Welcome to the documentation of edML, the education Markup Language!
edML is an XML-based language for describing interactive web courses, that is developed at the MINT-Kolleg Baden-Württemberg of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Such a web course usually contains input fields, drag and drop exercises and other dynamic content. This makes it different from print-oriented documents such as PDFs. Courses written in edML can be run in any modern browser using the JavaScript-based edML player. This means that no backend is required.
What is looks like
The following code example shows a very small course written in edML.
<course xmlns="https://edml.mint-kolleg.kit.edu" edmlversion="0.5.0-dev">
<variant lang="en">
<title>Pythagorean course</title>
<ref to="introduction">Introduction</ref>
<page name="introduction">
Welcome to the course! We start with the most
important theorem:
<title>Pythagorean Theorem</title>
In a right triangle, we have
<m>a^2 + b^2 = c^2</m>.