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The flex element supports the following attributes:

Attribute Type Default Description
aligncontent FlexItemAlignment stretch The alignment of flex items along the cross axis when there is extra space in the cross axis as a result of wrapping.
alignitems FlexItemSimpleAlignment stretch The alignment of the flex items along the cross axis.
columngap LengthPercentage 0 The size of the gap between flex columns as length percentage value.
flexdirection FlexDirection row The direction flex items are placed in the flex container. This is the main axis of the container.
flexwrap FlexWrap nowrap Defines whether the flex items are forced in a single line or wrapped into multiple lines if neccessary.
justifycontent FlexItemAlignment stretch The alignment of the flex items along the main axis.
name xs:Name - Name of this element. Must be unique among all element names in this course variant.
rowgap LengthPercentage 0 The size of the gap between rows as length percentage value.
tags TokenList Whitespace-separated list of tags of this element.

The flexitem element supports the following attributes:

Attribute Type Default Description
alignself FlexItemSimpleAlignment | Auto auto When this has a value other than "auto", it overrides this flex item's alignitems value in the surrounding flex container.
flexbasis LengthPercentage | Auto auto Initial main size of this flex item as length percentage value or "auto", which means that the size is automatically calculated.
flexgrow xs:decimal 0 Specifies how much of the remaining space in the flex container should be assigned to this item.
flexshrink xs:decimal 1 Flex shrink factor of this flex item.
maxwidth LengthPercentage | None none Maximal width of this flex item. The special value "none" means that there should be no limit on the width of the flex item.
minwidth LengthPercentage | Auto auto Minimum width of this flex item. The special value "auto" means that the application will calculate and select a minimum width.
name xs:Name - Name of this element. Must be unique among all element names in this course variant.
order xs:integer 0 The order of this item in the flex container.
tags TokenList Whitespace-separated list of tags of this element.