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A list consists of a list element with at least one listitem elements as children. The style of the list can be changed with the format attribute.




The list element supports the following attributes:

Attribute Type Default Description
format LabelFormat arabic Format used for the automatically generated label of the items in this list.
fullnumbering xs:boolean false Whether or not the automatically generated labels of a list item of this list should include the full numbering of all of its parent navigation items or only its number in the list of the children of its parent.
indent Length | Auto auto The horizontal length by which subitems should be indented as length value or "auto", which means that the application will indent by a default length, which is guaranteed to be strictly greater than 0.
lastsep xs:boolean true Controls whether the last separator should be shown in the automatically generated label of the items in this list.
name xs:Name - Name of this element. Must be unique among all element names in this course variant.
separator xs:string . Separator used in the automatically generated label of the items in this list.
tags TokenList Whitespace-separated list of tags of this element.

The listitem element supports the following attributes:

Attribute Type Default Description
label xs:string - Custom label of this list item, overrides any automatically generated labels.
name xs:Name - Name of this element. Must be unique among all element names in this course variant.
numbered xs:boolean true Controls whether or not this list item increases the counter for the automatically generated labels.
tags TokenList Whitespace-separated list of tags of this element.