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Tabular content can be displayed with the table element.


                Number system
                Natural numbers


The table element supports the following attributes:

Attribute Type Default Description
border xs:boolean true Controls whether this table should have a border.
maxheight LengthPercentage | None none Maximum height of the table. The special value "none" means that the height of the table will be automatically calculated from its content.
name xs:Name - Name of this element. Must be unique among all element names in this course variant.
sortable xs:boolean false Whether or not the user is allowed to sort the table by a column of his or her choice.
striped xs:boolean | Auto auto Whether or not the backgrounds of the rows of this table should be alternating between a light and dark color. When set to auto, the application will apply a default behavior.
tags TokenList Whitespace-separated list of tags of this element.

The row element supports the following attributes:

Attribute Type Default Description
minheight LengthPercentage | Auto auto Minimum height of the table row as length percentage value.
name xs:Name - Name of this element. Must be unique among all element names in this course variant.
tags TokenList Whitespace-separated list of tags of this element.
valign VerticalAlignment middle Vertical alignment of the cells in this row. Can be overwritten for an individual cell in this row by setting the "valign" attribute of the "cell" element to a different value. Note: The official default value of the corresponding attribute in CSS is "baseline", but most browsers override this value with "middle" in their user agent stylesheets. Therefore, we use "middle" as default value.

The headrow element supports the following attributes:

Attribute Type Default Description
fixed xs:boolean false Whether or not the head row should be fixed when scrolling vertically through a table with a specified maximal height. This attribute has no effect when the maxheight attribute of the table is set to none.
minheight LengthPercentage | Auto auto Minimum height of the table row as length percentage value.
name xs:Name - Name of this element. Must be unique among all element names in this course variant.
tags TokenList Whitespace-separated list of tags of this element.
valign VerticalAlignment middle Vertical alignment of the cells in this row. Can be overwritten for an individual cell in this row by setting the "valign" attribute of the "cell" element to a different value. Note: The official default value of the corresponding attribute in CSS is "baseline", but most browsers override this value with "middle" in their user agent stylesheets. Therefore, we use "middle" as default value.

The cell element supports the following attributes:

Attribute Type Default Description
align HorizontalAlignment - Individual horizontal alignment of this cell. If this attribute is set, it takes precedence over the align attribute in the colspec element for the column containing this cell.
valign VerticalAlignment - Individual vertical alignment of this cell. If this attribute is set, it takes precedence over the valign attribute of the row element containing this cell.