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Vector input fields can be created using the vector input type in the input element.

A vector consists of either numbers or expressions. It is not allwed to mix these two input types in one vector.


    Enter the first standard base vector of the space <m>\mathbb{R}^3</m>:
    Answer: <input>


The vector element supports the following attributes:

Attribute Type Default Description
credits xs:nonNegativeInteger 1 Number of credit points the user gets awarded for this input value.
defaultsize xs:positiveInteger | Auto - Initial number of components in this vector that are already there when the user loads the page. When this attribute is set to auto, the default size is the size of the first vector written as solution in this input value element.
maxsize xs:positiveInteger | Unbounded - Maximum number of components in this vector or the special value "unbounded", which means that there is no upper bound on the size of the vector.
minsize xs:positiveInteger - Minimum number of components in this vector.
model xs:Name - Name of the model to use for this input value. If this attribute is not set, the input model associated to the input field containing this input value is used.
type VectorType - Type of the vector (column vector or row vector).