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The page element supports the following attributes:

Attribute Type Default Description
name xs:Name - Name of this page, must be unique among all names in this course variant.
tags TokenList Whitespace-separated list of tags for this page.
xml:base xs:anyURI - This attribute provides a general way to specify in an XML document the base address used by relative links in an element. The edML language does not make use of this attribute, but we allow the attribute for convenience. More details can be found in the corresponding official W3C specification on xml:base.
xml:id xs:ID - This attribute provides a general way to give an element in an XML document a unique identifier by which it can be referenced. The edML language does not make use of this mechanism, but we allow the attribute for convenience. More details can be found in the corresponding official W3C specification on xml:id.

The title element supports the following attributes:

Attribute Type Default Description
short xs:string - Alternative short version of the title that can be used in situations where the full title can not be displayed.