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Eine Kursvariante beschreibt die Inhalte eines Kurses in einer bestimmten Sprache oder für eine bestimmte Teilnehmergruppe.


Das variant Element unterstützt die folgenden Attribute:

Attribut Typ Standardwert Beschreibung
lang xs:language - Sprache dieser Kursvariante. Muss im Format nach RFC 5646 angegeben werden. Muss eindeutig unter allen Kursvarianten im Kurs sein.
radixpoint RadixPointSymbol | Auto auto The radix point is the symbol used to separate the integer part from the fractional part of a number in a number input field. When this is set to the special value auto, the application will automatically select a radix point based on the language of this course variant.
xml:base xs:anyURI - This attribute provides a general way to specify in an XML document the base address used by relative links in an element. The edML language does not make use of this attribute, but we allow the attribute for convenience. More details can be found in the corresponding official W3C specification on xml:base.
xml:id xs:ID - This attribute provides a general way to give an element in an XML document a unique identifier by which it can be referenced. The edML language does not make use of this mechanism, but we allow the attribute for convenience. More details can be found in the corresponding official W3C specification on xml:id.