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Das reaction Element unterstützt die folgenden Attribute:

Attribut Typ Standardwert Beschreibung
credits xs:nonNegativeInteger 1 Number of credit points the user gets awarded for this input value.
model xs:Name - Name of the model to use for this input value. If this attribute is not set, the input model associated to the input field containing this input value is used.
reduced xs:boolean - Whether or not the user should be force to reduce the entered coefficients in this reaction to the smallest possible positive integers.
type ReactionType - Describes the type of the chemical reaction. This decides what symbol is placed between the educts and the products.

Das educts Element unterstützt die folgenden Attribute:

Attribut Typ Standardwert Beschreibung
fixed xs:boolean - If the number of educts of the reaction should be fixed and revealed to the user as given in the solution. When set to false, the number of educts must be found out.

Das products Element unterstützt die folgenden Attribute:

Attribut Typ Standardwert Beschreibung
fixed xs:boolean - If the number of products of the reaction should be fixed and revealed to the user as given in the solution. When set to false, the number of products must be found out.

Das molecule Element unterstützt die folgenden Attribute:

Attribut Typ Standardwert Beschreibung
coefficient xs:positiveInteger - Provides a predefined and fixed coefficient that will be used and displayed for this molecule. If this attribute is not set, the user must enter the coefficient of this molecule on his or her own.
fixed xs:boolean false Specifies whether the molecular formular (not the coefficient) should be fixed and shown to the user. If this attribute is enabled, the molecular formular is shown to the user and cannot be changed by the user. Otherwise, the user must enter the molecular formular.