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Ein Test ist ein Bestandteil einer Kursvariante und besteht, ähnlich wie die Navigation, aus einer hierarchischen Struktur von Testeinträgen.


Das test Element unterstützt die folgenden Attribute:

Attribut Typ Standardwert Beschreibung
feedback TestFeedbackMode detailed Controls the amount of feedback the user gets shown after completing the test.
fullscreen xs:boolean false Whether or not the test should be presented in fullscreen mode to the user. If this is set to true, the browser will switch to fullscreen mode as long as the test is running.
maxattempts xs:positiveInteger - Number of allowed attempts at this test. If this attribute is not present, the user can try the test as often as wanted.
maxduration TimeDuration - Maximal time duration (in the format hh:mm:ss) that the user may take to complete the test. If this attribute is not set, the user has unlimited time to complete the test.
name xs:Name - Name of the tests. Must be unique among all names in this course variant.
navigation TestNavigationOption full Navigation options for the user during the test.
tags TokenList Whitespace-separated list of tags that this test should have.

Das testitem Element unterstützt die folgenden Attribute:

Attribut Typ Standardwert Beschreibung
maxduration TimeDuration - Maximal time duration (in the format hh:mm:ss) that the user may take to complete the test item. If this attribute is not set, the user has unlimited time to complete the test item.
name xs:Name - Name des Testeintrages. Muss eindeutig unter allen Namen innerhalb der Kursvariante sein.
tags TokenList Whitespace-separated list of tags that this test item should have.