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Das booleangroup Element unterstützt die folgenden Attribute:

Attribut Typ Standardwert Beschreibung
check xs:boolean true Gibt an, ob die Korrektheit der Benutzereingabe in diesem Eingabeelement vom Player überprüft werden soll. Diese Einstellung ist standardmäßig aktiviert.
defaultpenalty xs:nonNegativeInteger 1 Specifies the default penalty of all boolean input fields inside this booleangroup.
expectedselection xs:positiveInteger | None none When set to a value different to none, this specifies the number of correctly selected boolean inputs in this boolean group that the user has to select in order for the boolean group to count as correct. If this attribute is set to none, the user is expected to select all boolean inputs in the group marked as correct.
feedback InputGroupFeedbackMode group Whether to give the user only feedback about the correctness of the group result (group) or about all individual boolean fields (detailed).
maxselection xs:positiveInteger | Unbounded unbounded Maximum number of boolean inputs the user can select in this boolean group and still check his or her results.
maxtotalcredits xs:nonNegativeInteger | Unbounded unbounded Total maximal number of credit points the user can earn in this boolean group from boolean input fields.
maxtotalpenalty xs:nonNegativeInteger | Unbounded unbounded Total maximal number of credit points the user can get deducted in this boolean group from boolean input fields.
minselection xs:nonNegativeInteger 1 Minimum number of boolean inputs the user has to select in this boolean group before he or she can check his or her results.
name xs:Name - Name des Elements. Dieser muss eindeutig unter allen Elementen in der Kursvariante sein.
reveal xs:nonNegativeInteger 1 Anzahl der Fehlversuche (Überprüfungen von falschen Eingaben) nach denen der Benutzer den Inhalt des Lösungshinweises, der an dieses Element gebunden ist, anzeigen darf. Falls kein Lösungshinweis an dieses Element gebunden ist, das das Attribut keine Auswirkungen.
tags TokenList Durch Leerzeichen getrennte Liste von Etiketten, welches dieses Element haben soll.
toggle xs:boolean false Whether or not all boolean input fields contained in this boolean group should be displayed as toggleable regions. If there are labels associated to these input fields, then they are part of the toggleable regions.